Found exotic animals

If you have lost a exotic - you may want to browse found pets by scrolling our map to the place where you have lost your pet and by clicking found pets' map markers. Or you may want to post lost exotic classified ad by pressing the "Post Ad" button in the bottom right corner of the map.

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If you have found a exotic - you may want to browse lost pets by scrolling our map to the place where you have found your pet and by clicking lost pets' map markers. Or you may want to post found exotic classified ad by pressing the "Post Ad" button in the bottom right corner of the map.

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Found exotic pets catalogue

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What to do if you found an exotic pet (a mini pig, a fox or a fennec, a hedgehog, a slow loris or a big carnivore)

Mini pig found. How to reunite a teacup pig?

How to return a found exotic pet to its owner? Our advices will help you on this difficult matter!

In some cases, approaching and trying to catch an animal will not be the best idea. Just make sure that the pet is safe and try to remember any ads or flyers you saw about the similar missing exotic pets. If you succeeded - immediately contact the exotic pet owner and wait for his arrival, controlling movements of the exotic pet found.

If it happened that you've taken the found animal from the street, the first thing you need to do is to inform as many people as you can about the found exotic pet. Spreading information about this is easy by using online map-based pet search services, such as Petrieve. You may share a page of the found slow loris or fox, created on Petrieve, in many popular social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and others. Look for ads about similar missing exotic pets and feel free to contact their owners. Stock up with flyers of the exotic pet found to post and distribute them. To compose and print flyers about the found mini pig or hedgehog, you can also use our service. In addition to everything, it is also possible to use television and newspapers.

Sometimes it would be reasonable to report to local law enforcement offices, animal shelters or pounds, veterinary clinics, pet shops and other organisations of this kind. Here you will also need some flyers and posters to hand them out.

If you are looking for the owners of an exotic pet - for your convenience use the map of missing pets. Find the place where you've found the exotic pet, look at the markers on the map in the vicinity (click them to get more info) - maybe the owners are already looking for an exotic pet that you have!

Below you may find a list of countries, in which found mini pigs, foxes, pet hedgehogs or slow lorises were registered on Petrieve: